Sunday, December 15, 2013

FroYo Vs. Ice-cream

Most frozen yogurts, indeed, have fewer calories and less fat than most ice creams. A half cup of Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream, a so-called super premium brand, contains 250 calories and 17 grams of fat. Carvel vanilla ice cream contains 175 calories and 9.7 grams of fat. The same amount of most nonfat frozen yogurts contains between 80 and 100 calories, and 0 grams of fat.
(Low-fat frozen yogurt, however, is comparable to low-fat ice cream: YoCream French vanilla frozen yogurt contains 100 calories and 3 grams of fat; Edy’s Slow Churned low-fat vanilla ice cream contains 100 calories and 3.5 grams of fat.)
When it comes to sugar, however, look out. Most frozen yogurt contains as much, if not more, sugar than ice cream. Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream has 19 grams of sugar, Edy’s Grand ice cream has 13 grams. TCBY, Swirls and Twirls, 16 Handles and Red Mango vanilla frozen yogurt contain 17 to 19 grams of sugar.
All this nutritional information is based on 83 grams, or about a ½-cup serving of frozen yogurt, a quantity that hardly measures up to what’s in most people’s cups. If you filled the smallest cup available at Red Mango to the brim, for example, that would be more than 1 ½ cups. And just try figuring out what 83 grams is; yogurt shop scales measure in either pounds or ounces. (For the record, 83 grams is equivalent to 2.92 ounces or 0.18 pounds.)
It goes without saying that once you add the chopped Heath Bars, Gummi Bears, rainbow sprinkles and nuts, all healthful nutritional bets are off.


Is FroYo a trend?

About 5 years ago the froyo industry increased in large numbers worldwide. People consumed frozen yogurt daily, sometimes twice a day. The Kuwaiti market has adapted to the increasing demand of frozen yogurt by having multiple brands and locations that sell froyo. Some of them are as follows:

1- Pinkberry
2- Pick Yo
3- Red Mango
4- FroYo
5- Zero Degrees


Pinkberry is the most known brand since it is an international franchise. Al-Shaya, Kuwait’s leading franchiser owns Pinkberry. Therefore, pinkberry is found in almost all malls in Kuwait. Moreover, Pinkberry was one of the very first froyo shops to open in Kuwait, and in a prime location with a large seating area in the Avenues mall. You can visit to have a better knowledge of what Pinkberry offers.

Pick Yo:

Pick Yo is the latest trend in Kuwait. It has 3 locations scattered around the country. It provides healthy snacks with the froyo ofcourse. Pick Yo has a smart marketing team that developed a signature flavor topping that has gained the appreciation of the froyo target market. They have created a rich pistachio topping that is not always available. It makes people wait for it and consume it in large amounts when it is available. You can even order Pick Yo from and have it delivered to your doorstep. 

Red Mango and Froyo are also in the frozen yogurt market in Kuwait, however they do not have a speciality, therefore their market is not as strong as the previous two mentioned. However, Red Mango has a huge store in 360 mall that is secluded and relaxing to go to.

Zero Degrees:

Zero Degrees started off at a very good start focusing on what the customers needs were and evaluating which products were sold the best. Following their evaluation, they discovered that a certain bubbles topping was at great demand. Therefore, they offered it at seasonal times and cutting it off without announcements. This strategy was helpful since customers drove all the way to the shop and did not leave empty handed even with knowing that the product they came for was not available. 

People tend to change their froyo store from time to time based on which store has the best layout, desingn, seating area, and offerings. Sometimes I believe froyo in Kuwait is just a trend that people would like to keep up with! Is it a trend?
Please feel free to share your thoughts about this topic with me at

Served or self-service

Kuwait is a developing country that welcomes and adapts to foreign ideas and businesses in its economy and culture. The thrive of the frozen yogurt market started in the USA and spread worldwide. Since Kuwait has a desert climate, such products are consumed highly and are of great demand in the market.
The Beginning:
The first froyo franchise in Kuwait was Pinkberry. The success of pinkberry was outstanding. People would queue in the avenues for 30 minutes just for a cup of froyo.
What do you prefer?
Although most of the froyo shops have employees serving you, there are a couple in Kuwait that are based on self-service. Froyo shops abroad are usually self-service. As customers enter the shop, they would choose a machine according to which flavor they want, they would then choose a size they like and manually serve themselves a froyo cup. Then, they would choose their toppings and go to the cashier to pay. It is different and I believe everyone should try serving themselves some froyo for once!
Watch Self-service Froyo to have a better look at what I mentioned.


On my very first post, I would like to welcome you all to my blog. This blog is going to be about my personal experiences with frozen yogurt (froyo) in Kuwait, as well as articles that are related to frozen yogurt benefits and much more. Whether you are a froyo addict or not, visit the blog to find interesting updates about new toppings or flavors you should try out. I will do my best to post weekly, depending on what work I have that week. Please share your opinions with me Froyo survey ,and once again welcome to my froyo blog.